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Sunday, March 6, 2011

This is the picture of case study on 3th Marth.

Dear Erbil controllers!
Anyone does not come in conference room on 3th March, so the case study 's place was changed to control tower. The case study is going to progress in the control tower continuously in next week.
This picture is scene that  Mr.Hiwa, Umed  and  I was discussing for SOP in the tower.
I want to thank Mr.Hiwa(HM) , Mr.Umed(UU), Mr.Ahmed(AS), Mr Sarmand(SB), Mr.Deldar and Mr.Benyamen for joining the first our case study.

Erbil Tower SOP final Draft version(Chapter1~3)

Section 1: Introduction

Erbil Tower’s duty is to provide separation between arriving and departing aircraft and Erbil Tower is responsible for the constant surveillance of the airport traffic and all movement areas. Erbil Tower also issues clearances and control instructions to maintain proper sequencing and separation of ground and airborne aircraft. Erbil Tower is also responsible for selecting the active runway. Erbil Tower will always use the radio communication frequency of 128.8.

Section 2: Airspace

a. Depiction of airspace structure with Baghdad FIR.

b. Erbil Control Zone is authorized to provide service within the area: 4,000ft AMSL from surface and 13NM radius of ARP. This area is contiguous with the Kirkuk approach airspace.

c. Erbil Tower ATS is provided as the Class D and Flight requirement is follow as;

Type of Flight
Separation Provided
Service Provided
Radio Comm’ Requirement
Subject to ATC Clearance


IFR/Special VFR

ATC  service, traffic information about VFR flight(and traffic avoidance advice on request)

IFR/VFR, VFR/VFR and Special VFR /Special VFR traffic information(traffic avoidance advice on request
Continuous two-way

Continuous two-way



Section 3: Responsibilities and Licensing

a.  Position Details
   Erbil Tower is operated two positions currently.  The chart below depicts the Tower’s designated operation positions and related information.
Call sign
Voice Server/Channel
Aerodrome Control
Erbil TWR

b.  All Aerodrome controllers must meet and maintain the license, rating and physical standards of ICAA regulation.

c.  The Assistance position is no need to meet the license, physical standards of ICAA regulation.

d.  The function of an Erbil Tower’s Aerodrome Controller is performed by one controller that it is combined an aerodrome controller, ground controller, clearance delivery position into an aerodrome controller .(ICAO Doc 4444 Chapter7

e.  The first priority of the Aerodrome Controller is the separation of airborne traffic. The Aerodrome Controller must ensure proper separation between arriving, departing and in the traffic circuit aircraft while maintaining an expeditious traffic flow when Assistance position obtained the take-off and landing release from Kirkuk RAPCON.

f.   The second priority of the Aerodrome Controller shall maintain a continuous watch on all flight operations on and in vicinity of an aerodrome as well as vehicles and personnel on manoeuvring area.  

g.  The third priority of the Aerodrome Controller is responsible for issues IFR clearances and control instructions to maintain proper sequencing and separation of ground traffic.

h.  The fourth priority of the Aerodrome Controller is responsible for alerting  the rescue and fire fighting service by pushing the alarm button and phone call whenever;
(1)   An aircraft accident has occurred on or in the vicinity of the aerodrome
(2)   Information is received that the safety of an aircraft which is or will come under the jurisdiction of the aerodrome control tower may have or has been impaired
(3)   Requested by the flight crew
(4)   When otherwise deemed necessary or desired

i.    The others of priority of the Aerodrome Controller is responsible for issues airport information such as active RWY, weather information when aircraft is requesting and is expected to have a thorough understanding of the instrument approach/departure and VFR procedures at Erbil International Airport.

j.    The Assistance position is responsible for
(1)     Control of vehicle/personnel to maneuver areas. However, the Assistance position shall obtain the permission from the Aerodrome Controller when vehicle/personnel is requesting.
(2)     Coordinating with Kirkuk RAPCON such as inbound /outbound Flight Plan information, IFR Clearance, Take-off release, Active RWY, Weather information, traffic conditions of Erbil’s CTZ.
k.  The Aerodrome Controller is directly responsible for coordinating with Assistance position. If Assistance position is not staffed, the Aerodrome Controller also performs the duties of Assistance position.

l.    The Assistance position shall immediately report any failure or irregularity of operation in any equipment, light or other device established at an aerodrome for the guidance of aerodrome traffic and flight crews or required for the provision of air traffic control service.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


This is the EIA TOWER SOP(DRAFT)  Chaprt1~3. Give me any feedback, please!

Hello! All EIA Tower Controllers.


Issue : 2th March 2011
Hello! All Tower Controllers.
Tomorrow(3th March) is the case study day.
Time : From 2 pm until 3:30 pm
Place : 2th Conference room
Attendance : Mr. min plus EIA Tower Controllers
Topics as follow;
  1. EIA Tower procedures(Departure)
  2. EIA Tower Standard Operating procedure
     Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 3
~~~ I'd appreciate it if you could attend.~~~
 From mi-ho Kim, IIAC Controller