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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hello! All EIA Tower Controllers.


Issue : 2th March 2011
Hello! All Tower Controllers.
Tomorrow(3th March) is the case study day.
Time : From 2 pm until 3:30 pm
Place : 2th Conference room
Attendance : Mr. min plus EIA Tower Controllers
Topics as follow;
  1. EIA Tower procedures(Departure)
  2. EIA Tower Standard Operating procedure
     Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 3
~~~ I'd appreciate it if you could attend.~~~
 From mi-ho Kim, IIAC Controller


  1. good job Ms. Min this email is really good idea for all (controllers) to improve the level of the tower.

  2. Thanks feedback Mr. Ahmed Sanan!
    And I am Mr not Ms!!
    I'd uproaded EIA Tower SOP From chapter 1 to 3 final draft version.
    Request another feedback,please!
    Thank you! From min
